Saturday, September 1, 2007

Trying to be Eco-Friendly

So yesterday in my first Journalism class a bunch of people started talking about how we were all getting paranoid about the environment and how much we wanted to do something about it. It was crazy how many people are really frightened and passionate about it and it's really annoying how many people just don't give a shit. I ended up finding out that this girl I have known forever but have never really clicked with before was just as curious about the environment and ways to help it as I was. So today I was at Barnes and Nobles and they had this super tiny section of like organic eco-friendly stuff and I was like "Were the fuck is the rest of it". I'm online now trying to find like eco-friendly clothing, but honestly its all ugly as shit...people need working toward making more eco-friendly stuff that appeals to consumers or we're never going to get out of this ridiculous rut we're in now.

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